Jeremiah Wolf
Here you can find some teachings from Jeremiah Wolf who give me permission to share with you on my website.
It is a honor to meet him when he is in the Netherlands and a great friend of me and all the people in the Netherlands who follow him and want to meet him to learn from teachings of his mowhawk
In 2023 i meet Jeremiah Wolf by the Nanai Donationday and tell us abouth his community, later i meet him by the Canadian Cemetery Holten, later i meet him in Ruigoord Amsterdam by the peace tree ceremony he was doing there, it was a amazing day because when i was on the peace tree ceremony i didn't know before i was there on that day that we have more then 400 years of friendship with the mowhawk people in Amerika/Canada i find this out when he was doing a peace tree ceremony on Ruigoord i was surprised abouth it.
I am always impressed and interested by Jeremiah Wolf his story's and teachings, he organizing meetings and teachings when he visit the Netherlands because he is the only one i meet to tell us his story's to learn more abouth the indigenous life and community of his people, he is a great teacher whe can learn a lot of him and that is why i making this page that i can share things with permission abouth Jeremiah and his community for people who have interest in the teachings and story's and also abouth the mowhawk people who are friends of or people for more then 400 years and i am verry proud of it and that is why the people deserve a place on my website they do good things for them selfs and for us.